To the knowledge of the symptoms indicating the infection is in the body of the pest allows you to start the treatment in a timely manner, has not yet reached the total number of poisoning and the devastating effects on the control of the clogging of the organs of digestion, of respiration, hematopoietic. Each year, infestations, parasitic diseases of the world, invisible to the statistics, a discrete goes to the other world, more than 1 ml) of the people. Today, the health of the man depends on the activity of the staff. If there are any signs of intoxication. strangely, the etiology of the disease, insist on modern methods of diagnosing the presence of parasites and early treatment.

How to determine the parasites in the human body, and today is the examination of the stools, it is not required in the investigation, even before the hospitalization in the department of allergy! The only characteristic symptom, the observer of the infection to other organ in the body, and the total number of poisoning; all of a sudden, you may experience vomiting, diarrhea, indication, allergic skin rashes, hayfever, as well as the sudden cutting pain from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, and on the head. The effect of the parasites on the body depends on the habitat and much, much more. Some cause serious diseases and can lead to a quick death, the other to deteriorate over time in the quality-of-life, poisoning the body, leading to health and strength. Urgently to the doctor, because of your procrastination, it is a treatment is dangerous, with severe complications: meningitis, septicemia, peritonitis, bowel, injury to the central nervous system.
What is a parasite?
A parasite is an organism that is entirely for the account of another, larger, body. Location-the location of the are ectoparasites, living on a man-of-the-side-of-out-and endoparasites infecting you from the inside out. Species composition of parasites, may be viruses, bacteria, worms, insects, and even insects. The parasites could not be considered as something that is not natural to you. Vice-versa, and even the scientists don't understand what it is and where they come from, and the people are infected with it constantly, and that was one of the reasons for the low average life expectancy of more than 1 to 2 out of a hundred years ago. After all, a lot of parasites to life, and, in some cases, save your life, only you can eligible for medical intervention. In others, the illness may last for decades, as well as parasites that cleverly disguises itself of other diseases, the cure that it is not possible to be resolved to their true cause.
What are the parasites that might be living in a man's
People far from medicine, can you believe the parasites that live on the human body exclusively on a species of worms in the intestines. In the meantime, there are more than 300 species that infests the micro-and macro-organisms, to steal from human cells for nutritional elements, which can destroy the integrity of the vessel walls, lymph vessels, and organs, blood, and poison. And of the many kinds of quiet, self-contained co-exist when they share a living space. They do not interfere with each other, to devour the flesh and blood of a man, and often by increasing the painful condition. Therefore, to identify the worms, they must always carry out testing for the presence of pathogens in the simplest of micro-organisms.
What are the local, "predators," among the parasites of man, they are the most dangerous ones:
- Amoeba: dizenterina, e. coli, Nigeria, and acanthameba.
- Trichomonas: the gut, the vagina.
- Giardia.
- Symptoms Vary: The Cross, Rhodesian, United.
- Leishmania: donovani, the tropics.
- ʙalantidij.
- The Toxoplasma.
- Periplasmic.
- The Malaria Plasmodium.
- The Babesia.
- Ichthyophthirius.
- Flukes: liver, lung, y, chinese cat's-eye, lanceolate.
- Fasciolopsis.
- Fluke egipetskaya.
- Metagonimus.
- Shistosoma (blood flukes).
- Lantecy wide.
- Apni: rat, canine (this is rare).
- A dwarf, swine, bovine, asia, and the brain.
- The tapeworm.
- Cells.
- The guinea-worm.
- Pinworms.
- Toxocara (greyhound).
- Trichuris.
- Ugritsy of the intestines.
- Ancilostomídeos.
- Worms Rishta.
- Trichinella.
- Brugia, Wuchereria.Loa-Loa.
- Onchocerca.
- Angiostrongylus.

The smallest part of the list of pests that inhabit the world, and threatening a dangerous disease of the brain, the organs of digestion, of the circulation of the blood, and injury to the nervous, hormonal, reproductive, and of all the other systems of the body.
Routes of infection
The carriers of various parasites (and intermediate teachers) get to the birds, rodents, flies, horseflies, mosquitoes. Domestic and wild animals, fish, etc. The main source of infestation of poverty, is a sick man, with, the discharge of which, the parasites erode the soil, water, bodies of water, and the air space.
As for the transmission:
- Food-pro-forma (either through the digestive tract), it is possible to get parasites from contaminated water, food, and when you ignore the business of sanitation-processing rules. And if you don't wash your vegetables from the garden, a SIP of water to bathe in the river. Eat a half-baked bbq's, sushi from the fish in the river (as soon as it penetrates into the body of many of the protozoan cysts and intestinal, worms).
- The waste in this program, you can become infected if it is not enough to wash your hands frequently. By the money, the railing at the institutions, and the bars for support in the transportation, toys, household items. Or by shaking hands and kissing with an hiv-infected person. After contact with a sick animal from a pet on the way to the introduction of nearly all of the parasites).
- Transmitted by a vector (through the blood) form of the pathogen, larvae, and parasites that enter the body after the bite of a fly, a mosquito, a tick, a bird, an animal.
- Percutaneous infection occurs when the implementation of the larvae of the parasite in the tissues of the mucous membranes and the characteristics of the general anistropy, Sistemi).
- Aerogenic type of infection is by inhalation of the eggs of the parasites (for example, Echinococcus).
- Transplacental pathway in the intra-uterine transmission of the parasite (baby nematodes, Toxoplasma).
- Through sexual contact is transmitted Trypanosoma, trichomonas.
- Transfusiona transfer for the operations of the hospital through a poorly-handled tools.
The main factors that contribute to the increase in the growth of zarahemla, and the people from the pest, is: a lack of personal hygiene, in the thick of it, the consumption of a bad treaty for food and water, and then, later on, an appeal to the teachers, the lack of a proper medical assessment.
The symptoms of the presence of parasites in the human body
They emit the typical signs of infection, and in particular, according to the location of the pathogen in the micro-and macro-organisms. The parasites are:
- The intracellular (percentage of cells). For example, toxoplasma gondii, leishmania, Plasmodium.
- Of the abdomen: they live in the cavities of the intestines, lungs, urinary, and other organs. Apni, pinworms, ancilostomídeos, dolls, lantecy, of the genus meloidogyne.
- Cloth: they reside in the lymph, the blood of the haemosporida, microfilaria, Trypanosoma). In the muscle groove (trichina, sporidia). In the tissues of the brain (toxoplasma gondii, and the larvae of the worm thread of symptoms vary), and the fibres of the optic nerve.
The whole of this system of classification is rather conventional, since many of the parasites on the move constantly, they migrate into different organs and tissues. General pests are as follows:

- patients breach: diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, constipation, GASTROINTESTINAL pain;
- allergic reactions: rhinitis, skin rashes;
- pain in the muscle, the area of the joint;
- the appearance of papillomas, genital, lipogranulomas, fibrotic cancers;
- weight loss or weight gain;
- nerve disorders: the anxiety, or lethargy), irritability (numbness), insomnia;
- bruxism during sleep is an involuntary shaping the savanna of the teeth);
- to reduce the can increase the can increase the immunity, which is expressed in rapidly cooled.
The parasites are also pathogenic viruses, bacteria, and fungi that cause infectious diseases. In the event of contamination are observed, the most common symptoms: high fever, sore throat,, headache, stomach ache, runny nose, coughing, sneezing, and other.
How to detect the presence of parasites
When you defeat it, or any other organ, and the tissues dominated the distinguishing marks.
In the intestine
The place most favorable for the life of the parasite: the humidity is high and the temperature is warm, and the PH of the environment is neutral. The symptoms of the lesion of the intestine:
- the prison of the body.
- diarrhea;
- flatulence;
- an obstruction of the intestine;
- the pain of spastic type, in the you abdominal;
- the reduction of body weight;
- vomiting;
- in the nerves;
- in the absence of (or enhance) appetite.
The man was obsessed with a lot of fatigue and a lack of will to move at all.
In the stomach
When the parasitic infestation shall be marked with the following:
- and nausea;
- belching;
- excessive salivation;
- the gravity of the rupture of the stomach;
- diarrhea;
- bleeding in the stools;
- itching at the area of anala because of the worm;
- the cough is due to irritation of neuroreceptors stomach.
When you gut the price, perhaps the department of the sputum, with a fraction of the blood.
In the liver, which
Symptoms may include:

- the pain in the area of hypochondrium to right;
- belching;
- and nausea;
- in the event of an allergic reaction hives;
- yellowing of the sclera, mucous membranes of the mouth and on the skin complexion;
- the loss of the hair bulb;
- weakness;
- irritability;
- in the red cells.
There is a severe swelling of the legs, the belly.
In the blood
The distinctive symptoms, such as:
- fever;
- the sticker is on the rise, the pain from the lymph node;
- the outbreak in the body.
- shortness of breath, pain in the head;and
- head office is situated;
- - lethargy, drowsiness;
- shortness of breath;
- impairment of the circulation of the blood, which is expressed in both the dormant and the cold weather states.
Not necessarily if you develop anemia, since many of the parasites that destroy red blood cells.
When in the hands of the heart
It is always checked for signs of pulmonary, y, and congestive heart failure.
- over the counter;
- shortness of breath;
- the nervousness, the fear.
- weakness;
- the pain in the chest area;
- arrhythmia, bradycardia;
- the temperature of the fever, alternating with chills;
- change-of-HELL, -
- the body;
- the paleness of the face, the neck,
- in the red cells.
There are some signs of hypoxia: cyanosis of the skin on the tips of the fingers, and the triangle of the nasolabial and the mucous membranes of the mouth.
In the lungs
The symptoms are characteristic of:
- shortness of breath;
- shortness of breath;
- the attacks of dry night cough;
- with asthma, the bronchial spasm;
- rhinitis, in the case of hay fever, and sneezing;
- aches and pains in the chest;
- a rapid pulse;
- you have nausea.

Perhaps the separation is simply a foaming sputum with blood cells.
Under the skin
The external symptoms are:
- itchy, red, thin-skin rash, and large swelling blisters on the skin;
- ulceration, abscesses, warts, eczema;
- fever;
- night sweats;
- dense, movable tumor, the areas under the skin;
- in the red cells.
It often develops in case of an allergy, a cough, a runny nose.
In the eyes of
The distinctive symptoms, such as:
- the inflammation of the conjunctiva, and is accompanied by burning and itching;
- the pain in his eyes and pain in moving the eye down the side to the top;
- flying, front view, muddy the warranty in front of your eyes;
- the dryness of the mucous membranes of the eyes,
- blurring of vision for objects that a division.
- headache, nausea, dizziness;
- swelling of the eyelids, and
- the blue in the eyes.
The features of worm infestations
The Worm intrusion is considered to be in a group of diseases, the cause of which are parasites of different kinds. Penetrating into the organism, whether intentionally or at random, several of the helminths to destroy the bodies in which they live and move. As a result, come up with the disease, the so-called pests.
The worms have hook, suction cup, and with the help of them, they have them at the location you have selected. These slopes cause injuries and bleeding of the mucous membranes. The larvae will move about in the tissues of the body, and moving on to some of the other bodies, they live in comfortable aircraft-style seats. They can reach any organ and to select them for life. Thus, there is a transition of worms from the intestine, which, at first, to reach a majority of the pathogen, via the blood vessels of the liver, the lungs, the brain and the heart. Let's face it, what is the action of a parasite in the body, which in symptoms is called the alien's presence in man.
The syndrome of secretion of gastric and intestinal discomfort
Many of the helminths a permanent habitat in the body, choosing different areas of the digestive tract. If it violated their natural functioning. Among the dangerous sign of the worm:
- bloating and flatulence;
- the constant of gravity, and pain in different parts of the digestive system;
- periodic colic;
- the spots of fat in the stool.
Irritable bowel syndrome – companion to the frequent presence of worms.
The blocked flow of bile

The overlapping of the ducts of bile in the large parasites by inhibition of the result, which can lead to the machine to important. In these cases you are more likely to be in need of medical treatment.
Constipation and diarrhea
Violation of the chair, they are a symptom of a worm intrusion. Heavy diarrhea alternating with constipation, and you don't have anything to do with the consumption of poor quality food or inadequate diet. When the top of the colon, clusters of parasites occur in the mechanical prison of the womb. Support: the specific allocation of some of the worms, leading to the disruption of the body's sodium and chloride, which then leads to diarrhea.
The continued survival of the parasites may cause a violation of the natural intestinal flora. However, in many cases, the signs of dysbiosis are imaginary, cure, the state of the traditional probiotics is not possible.
Loss can, increase the, can increase the immunity of
Apart from the person who has most of the nutrients, and helminthes, to violate the protective function of the immune system. They weaken the health of the body, as a result, the person becomes an easy prey to infectious diseases, respiratory diseases, intestinal diseases, is the attenuation of the musculoskeletal system is broken, and the work of the heart and other organs.
With the onset of the aches and pains of muscle and joints
In the finish in the muscle tissue, the parasites are able to cause soreness and pain in the joints and surrounding tissues. Many times, this is seen in the swelling, and signs of arthritis. In response to the presence of worms in the body produces its own antibodies and auto-immune disorders, which lead to the destruction of healthy tissue.
Fluctuations in body weight
The presence of the parasite may lead to a loss in weight, due to the lack of supply for the normal functioning of the body. Many times, a person has an increase in the weight of the body, as well as a lot of them feel hungry constantly and to seek to fill in the nutrients that are lost. The constant fluctuations in the peso-mate-of-the infestation of the pest.
The size
Due to the presence of helminths develops to anemia – lack of hemoglobin in the blood. To do so, may lead not only to a loss of blood from the damage from the suckers of worms, but it is also a violation of the synthesis of substances involved in hematopoiesis. Ulceration of the mucous membrane does not allow you to assimilate the nutrients that are necessary for the proper synthesis of red blood cells and other components of the blood.
The signs of lack of vitamins work in the body all of the infection. A failure of the functioning of the digestive system does not allow you to absorb it in its entirety, as well as a large part of it goes to the power of the helminths.
Sleeping disorders and restlessness
The Alien's presence in the body of the viola from the all-natural processes. The toxins are poisoning, the influence of psycho-emotional distress. Because of the "intoxication" - disturbed, the working of the nervous system, the brain, the person becomes restless, he is always in "the field", the excitement gives way to apathy.
Chronic fatigue
The fatigue syndrome is a result of toxicity from your body. The person who drops off of the health, the interest to life, even in the day, it is difficult to meet, and to carry out the necessary work. Cognitive abilities fall, and especially hard to do so is reflected in a growing child, your body.
Diseases, neoplastic
There will be a weakening of the body, and the damage of the organs, the specific cause of the development of the cancer. The loss of it can increase the can increase immunity, poisoning, hazardous substances, and produced worms, and the constant stress of the nervous system and can cause the development of tumors.
The differences in the characteristics of the children and the adults
The main signs of the development of the worm, from the invasion of the body is the same for people of all ages. The kids have some of the characteristics of the development of the immune system, and makes the infection more dangerous than the adults. The children are exposed to these infectious agents may be a worm. This is due to the following reasons:
- The weakness and inadequacy of the immune system;
- In the absence of the development of the skills of the free;
- The more frequent and casual contact with the animals of the earth are especially dangerous to play in the sand for the pair.

Children are most commonly infected to pinworms to Ascaris, Toxocara. In the development of the helminths to learn more about the symptoms of it are absent in adults:
- The stronger the allergic reactions and symptoms of toxicity from your body. Time to reveal the parasites, it is often not possible. Many times, it consists of the atopic dermatitis.
- A goiter, which develops very quickly. At the first sign of a violation of the microflora of the child, it will carry out a test for the presence of parasites.
- The slowdown in growth. An adult, lose the weight, and the baby is growing normally.
- Lethargy or excitability is increased, frequent, and desires and help it.
- The delay in the psycho-emotional, and cognitive. The child learns, the worse it starts to lag behind her peers, not only in growth but also in development. This is particularly evident in young children.
You can diagnose and cure any infestation of pests in the child it is necessary as soon as possible, so that the child has developed normally, and not be turned away from any of his colleagues.
Allergic reactions
In the process of life of the helminths, and release substances that poison the body and lead to a variety of allergic reactions. Especially for many of the toxins that stands for the change of the eddy. Three substances are dealt with by the immune system as well as dangerous for your body and triggers the production of immunoglobulin E, which is a symptom of an allergic reaction. Most of the rainfall has different characteristics, which are difficult to explaining and talking points. To get rid of them without the destruction of the worms in the body, is impossible. The allergy may be the character of a dry, cough, disturbances in the respiratory functions.
Skin problems-acne
Apart from the body of the nutrients, the parasites will cause a shortage of vitamins and trace elements. This leads to a contact dermatitis, lack of hydration, the skin's complexion. It also disrupted the work of the sebaceous glands in the body, thus causing the acne that appears, boil. Often times, the state of deterioration of the skin, it is an evidence for the presence of helminths.
And yet this scourge of the human are considered as bugs: they carry parasitic life-style, and settled on the side of the man, and they feed on your blood. The bites from the bedbugs may appear in a painful, irritating and itchy. Parasitic disease can turn to the thousands of disease, therefore, determining the visual field, without laboratory research, it is possible to. The length of the cure depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis and identification of the parasite in the early phase of the infection.
Do not take this medicine without the advice of your doctor / physician. All of the medications that are used for the destruction of the protozoan parasites and pests is important not only to them but to the liver of a person.
For the treatment of worms
When you select a drug in preference to cause for drugs with a wide range of tasks. The drug of broad-spectrum, result of the helminthes, the capacity of absorption of nutrients, and destroys the cell. Wipe out guinea-worm, pinworms larvae of tapeworms, other parasites. They are used to explaining and talking points of the teniasis, enterobiasis, hookworm infection, million with ascaris. And it's also trihozefaleza and echinoccosis, the extraction of the nematodes, worms, whipworm, Ascaris, Toxoplasma, necator. The doctor took the medicines in accordance with the two criteria of safety and security for the people, the drugs, depriving the parasites of possibilities of nutrition and metabolism that are less harmful to the liver. And the drugs can paralyze the worms are the most toxic and act on the man. Self-medication in a pharmaceutical environment--god is not going to take.
Recipes, studio
For the children, the women, infants, young children and pregnant women, from the oldies to more secure, for the induction of many of the parasites, unlike the antiparasitic means

- Pear juice with pulp, fresh fruits, carrot juice is recommended in the treatment of children. Drink 50 ml of the fast of one hour before a meal for a week to 10 days.
- The seeds of the pumpkin. Chewing the seeds raw you need fast, along with a thin green skin (that is, it is different, powerful, de-worming, transport, and transport, and properties). A daily dose of from 250 to 400 g of the seeds, and after a couple of hours, it is necessary to drink a tablet of a laxative. For a period of 3 to 5 years.
- An infusion of the ground, fresh rinds of the pomegranate fruit. The bulk of the rind of 1 fruit, pour boiling water (250 ml), and then insist in a thermos for 1.5 hours. The paper filter. Dosing – the absence of a drink, every 4 hours before you go to sleep – in a cone.
- A decoction of the bark of the buckthorn. In 300 ml of water, is in need of a 3 h. l. the material is ground. Bring to a boil in a small fire for 15 minutes, sit for 2 hours and drain it. in The rule for the day: from 30 minutes up to 5 times.
- An infusion of the flowers of tansy and artemisia. In 500 ml of water is taken out of the 3. h. l., to a mixture of a powder of the inflorescence, dried (or fresh pasta). Bring to a boil for 5 minutes, to insist before chilling. Filter. Accept a should not be more than 50 ml at a time, in the morning, at lunch, in the evening, on an empty stomach, at periods of 5 days.
- The Beginning Of TroyhAtka. The collection is in a dry powder of equal parts of a planet, and spices in the buds of the cloves and tansy to consume 1. h. l., to 4 times as fast during the day, and carefully as he ate it, washed down with fresh water.
- Garlic. To cleanse the body of parasites, and you'll need every day in the morning and in the evening on an empty stomach, eat no salt, and a loaf of bread in 2 – 4 teeth in a week.
- The old glhistóriagonny the wonder of the recipe-eating on a day off in the salt-herring, and the larger the onion. All the way to the night, nothing to eat, and has nothing to do with it as possible. Helminths of the night, sending and whether you want to climb up from that of the intestines, with the stool (feces) out.
- The oil of the castor bean + cognac. A single effective way of revenue for the union in the past, and with the mix of a cocktail of ingredients 50:50), a book of poetry as a drink instead of dinner. Hour prior to 3-day out of all the worms. If not all of them, repeat the treatment for another couple of nights.
The parasite cannot tolerate red pepper, chestnut, for this reason, it is necessary to include into the diet as soon as possible. That, and the treatment and prevention of. In addition, in the process of treatment should be to exclude from the daily menu of sweet, fatty foods. Also, the oil, the milk, the flavored product, the food and COPhenosti.
The measures for the prevention
Today, virtually all of the parasites imported from the neighbouring countries. When you travel to tropical countries, be sure to consult with your doctor when choosing an anti-septic. To prevent the infection of domestic pests, you must comply with the rules of hygiene:
- Constantly wash your hands.
- OPOlpara to turn vegetables, fruits, nuts, and boiling water.
- Do not use noluserow food stroganinu, steak with blood.
- Avoid the purchase of products and ready meals in trays, tents, tents....
- Do not go for a swim in the unknown, ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams.
- Do not walk barefoot in the grass feedstock, and the beach.
- Don't drink it it comes comes to to natural water sources and piped water.
- Do not allow children to pet strange animals, and get in touch with the people of that marginal species.
Eddy – standing neighbors, and fellow man. Many a times, to prevent disease transmission is not possible. As soon as the first symptoms of céulegnonoltemhia of the body, it is necessary to consult a specialist to help you. Early detection of the infection by the parasite helps to prevent a loss of the body. Take care of yourself and your family!